Episode 26: Navigating the In-Between: What's *REALLY* Clogging Up Your Energy


“Your vibration alone will either show you where you are in life—whether that’s what you want or don’t want—and it will also affirm what you are experiencing to help you take the medicine you need to move forward.”



We have entered the eclipse gate, with Mercury in retrograde, and I’m seriously feeling that energy. Hoo, it’s big. In this energy, I don’t feel that we need more information or guidance right now. There is this feeling of longing to move forward. We're re-tuning into the depths of who we truly are and what this new gate of our lives is going to yield us as we move through the threshold of this eclipse. Here's my take on navigating this period.


If you’re feeling stuck or blocked right now, this episode can help you:

  • Identify what is causing the disconnection

  • Understand the energetic channels that open up your infinite potential

  • Understand why your “why” isn’t cutting it

  • How and why to get intimate with your fears and stop blaming the fear itself

I’m expressing, processing, and channeling the medicine today however spirit leads, and I thank you for joining me.

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May you walk your path with courage and compassion!

with love, trust and devotion to my path,

Ash x